Key Club assists with poster making
February 6, 2018
Although they have moved on from middle school, Manhattan High students still find ways to stay involved at the middle school level. Last Tuesday, six MHS students went to Anthony Middle School to help out members of the Kansas Association for Youth Club.
“At AMS right now,” junior historian Abbey Hayes said, “we are helping [KAY Club] make posters for their penny week, which is to help support leukemia research.”
The students went to the middle school as a part of Key Club, an international club organized by the Kiwanis Organization. As such, Key Club’s mission is identical to Kiwanis’.
“[Key Club is] a club for volunteering and community service,” sophomore secretary Elizabeth Hohn said, “partially at the school and partially outside in the community.”
Though similar, KAY Club is managed by Kansas State High School Activities Association and is focused on teaching leadership through organizing and conducting community service projects.
Not only did Hayes go to the event to serve, but as club historian, she had other reasons as well.
“In Key Club, I am the historian,” Hayes said, “which means I take photos of like our service projects and such and I make a nice little book of all the things we’ve done over the year.”
While there is some question as to whether or not Key Club is an official club, the members are still carrying on as if they are.
“We helped out with the Kiwanis pancake feed, which raised money for the community,” Hayes said. “We make cards for Stoneybrook, the retirement home, for like Thanksgiving and winter holidays.”
Key Club is also active around the school.
“We do recycling pretty much every week around the high school,” sophomore communications officer Duru Dogan said.
Some students involved in Key Club joined because of similar experiences in the past.
“I did KAY Club at the middle school level,” Dogan said, “and so this is kind of the next step and it’s good for networking and leadership.”
Members of Key Club enjoy the bonds they create while serving others.
“Key Club is a really fun club,” Hayes said. “It’s a great way to get service hours for your distinguished service stuff and you can make a lot of friends.”