National Honor Society members cheered each other on as they strutted the catwalk in Rezac Auditorium in the fifth annual fashion fundraiser on Saturday.
NHS students reached out to local businesses like Dillard’s, Walmart and Target to try on their outfits to showcase in the fashion show. The fashion show was put together with the help of the club sponsor Robin Mall and the four commentators: seniors Ella Bahr, Kendra Geisbrect, Kathy Burton and Hana Tamara.
“Commentating was a blast as all the other emcee’s were good friends,” Bahr said.
Although it took several NHS members to run the show, many of the models volunteered.
“I modeled last year but this year was my first year helping with the planning process,” Bahr said. “My favorite part were the entertaining pieces we had this year, they all were fantastic.”
Not only did the models show their skills on the stage, the school band 5% Milk consisting of seniors Christian Vazquez and Caleb Payne along with seniors Emma Lansdowne, Delaney Wisdom and Ashlyn Gillespie performed three songs while the models got ready for the next round.
“It can be difficult for some people to go out and model but I loved watching everyone let go of their worries and just go for it,” Burton said. “I have been a member of NHS since my sophomore year, but this has been my second year being apart of the show. My favorite was seeing everyone come together and watching the other members enjoy modeling.”
Volunteer models that participated in the fashion show received different gift receipts and coupons from local businesses like Target, Cowboy Chicken, Baskin Robbins and Varsity Donuts.
“If I had to choose one outfit for the entire night, I’d have to say it was Jered [Zhang, junior]. It was really fun to have him in the show. It was a last minute thing but the audience loved it,” Burton said. “I love being able to connect with the local businesses through the club and help showcase the things that they have to offer.”