Put An End to Animal Cruelty

Maddy Gleason, Staff Writer

Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s cruelly been tested on an innocent animal.

Whether or not products for human use should be tested on animals before actual human tests are done is one of the most emotive and controversial subjects to date. Products such as makeup, shampoo and tons of other household items that are easily accessible have been tested on animals.

Some people argue that there is no price to be put on human suffering, so animals are a more ethical subject for these tests.Others, including myself, argue that there is no possible justification for the pain and suffering that animals endure due to this outdated method of evaluating products for human use.

If you’re like me and the other millions of people who enjoy a companion, such as dogs, cats, rats, etc, then you’ll understand why it’s easy to build a bond with them. Simon Worrall of National Geographic proves that animals are capable of feeling many of the same emotions humans do, such as love and sadness. Like humans, animals need some sort of social contact to be able to live their best life.

Unfortunately, animals used in testing undergo procedures that result in trauma and awful pain. Examples of these “tests” include being forced underwater for long periods of time without warning, or being infected with diseases.

In most cases, research facilities pay little attention to the well-being of the animals, leading to incidents such as animals breaking their legs on cages or being beat to death in “accidents.”  

Not only are these tests cruel and horrifying, but they are also not reliable. Humans and animals are different and our minds and bodies work differently. According to Dave Anderson from Listland.com in his article “Top 10 Reasons Why Animal Testing Should Be Banned,” over 90 percent of all products tested on animals fail clinical trials.It’s because we differ from them on a metabolic and anatomic basis making animals an unreliable subject for human research.

Animal testing is just cruel and goes against humanity. Many animal testing facilities give little care or thought to the way in which the animals are treated. These animals are not being fed and are kept in horrible conditions that make it hard for them to even survive. The workers at these facilities are not robots, they have emotions just like animals.  

Not only does that debase humanity, but the people who use the drugs and cosmetics that result from these tests.

I understand that purchasing cruelty-free items might not be the most convenient, but if you’re willing to make a difference then you can easily check the brand and see whether it is cruelty-free.

It’s easy to ignore all these products because we aren’t personally affected by these tests, but there are innocent animals who are dying and suffering because of them.