The Effects of Stress on the Body

Megan Klug, Blue M Editor-in-Chief

Headache — Stress can contribute to the development of headaches or intensify pre-existing headaches.


Depression — With stress in your life, it is more likely to wear you down not just physically, but emotionally, too. People with lots of stress are typically more susceptible to being depressed.


Upset stomach — Stress also affects your digestive system, which can lead to nausea or upset stomachs. It can also lead to overeating, “stress eating,” or undereating.


Insomnia — Stress can also manufacture bad sleeping habits, sleep deprivation, and even insomnia, nightmares, disturbing dreams.


Heart Problems — Chronic stress over an extended time period can result in serious problems. An ongoing, constant rapid heart rate increases the potential risk of a heart attack, stroke or hyperextension.