Swift fan Mincoha meets idol

Junior Maya Minocha with Taylor Swift
October 7, 2014
It was raining in Rhode Island when junior Maya Minocha entered Taylor Swift’s house through the garage.
This past Tuesday Minocha, renowned Swift superfan, received an email from Swift’s manager asking for her phone number. The following day she got a call asking if she could attend a top-secret confidential event in Rhode Island.
“I started crying a lot [when I found out] because I love her and I knew I was going to get to meet her,” Minocha said. “It was crazy. I didn’t understand why I got picked out of all of the fans.”
On Friday, Minocha boarded a plane, landed in Boston and drove to Rhode Island. Her life-long dream was about to be fulfilled.
“I’ve been a hardcore fan for seven to eight years,” Minocha said. “Half of my life. She loves her fans a lot. I mean, what other celebrity invites fans to her house to hear the album two weeks before its released?”
Minocha has been very active on social media and Swift noticed.
“She is always interacting with her fans on social media,” Minocha said. “She’s liked eight pictures of mine on Instagram and she liked four or five of my posts on tumblr and she follows me on tumblr. So I feel like she sees me a lot on her news feed.”
After entering Swift’s house, the approximately 60 guests ate and waited for Swift.
“I couldn’t eat anything because I wasn’t thinking about that at the time but they had sushi, pizza, and chicken nuggets and kabobs,” Minocha said. “We were all eating and listening in her living room and she just popped out of the back and was like ‘hey guys.’ Everyone was freaking out.”
Minocha got to spend one-on-one time with Swift.
“It was crazy just finally getting to meet her,” Minocha said. “She knew my name. I said, ‘hey you stalked my instagram pictures’ while she was passing out cookies. She goes, ‘oh you’re Maya, right?’ I didn’t even tell her my name. She was like, ‘that one picture of you when you were in your pajamas with the cat shirt on, that’s my favorite picture ever.’ She knew it was me.”
Minocha was in awe. She was spending time with her idol. This was her life’s goal.
“She hugged me and I told her about how I blast ‘Shake it Off’ so loud in the car and I was blessing everyone’s eardrums and she laughed so hard,” Minocha said. “It was so cute. I was freaking out. I made her laugh. She told me that she was worried that I wasn’t going to make it because I lived so far away. I don’t know how she knows where I live, but I don’t care. She wanted to meet me. She was talking about how glad she was that I came and how she loves how big of a fan I am. She kept telling me thank you for coming but I was like ‘no thank you for inviting me.’ We took a nice one with my mom and her. And she was like, do you have one in mind for you? I was like, you pick. So she said we should take a pic that makes us look cooler than we actually are. Then she gave me a hug.”
Minocha still can’t believe what she experienced.
“I’ve always looked up to her [Swift] and her personality is great she is always nice to everyone,” Minocha said. “I feel like there are a lot of misconceptions about her and people don’t really look into it. She cares about her fans a lot.”
Now that the ultimate fangirl goal has been met, Minocha doesn’t know what she’s going to do.
“There is nothing left to do. My time here is done. It’s time to be happy and enjoy the tour I guess,” Minocha said.