Protect Your Info

Kami Bussmann, Staff Writer

In this day and age everyone is on the internet, and technology is making it easier for people to access different things, even unwanted things such as personal information. The idea that someone can steal your identity is on the scarier side of incidents that go on all around the world.

Identity theft is when a person steals the identity of another person usually for their own financial gain. The thieves are successful because there are different ways of accumulating someone else’s information.


  • Stealing wallets or purses
  • Digging through the trash in hopes of finding bank or credit statements
  • Swipe personal information that
  • was filled out on public WiFi
  • Sending spam emails to gain the information
  • Pose as a home buyer during open houses to gain access to sensitive info


Even though there are a lot of ways to have your identity stolen there are still ways to prevent it. Putting a stop to this is in your own best interest because you keep your financial gain and many more items under your name.


  • Secure your social security number by not carrying your SS card around or writing that number on checks
  • Don’t respond to spam emails
  • Review your credit card and bill statements
  • Store personal information in a safe place
  • Create complex passwords that can’t be figured out by hackers