Athlete of the Week: Jillian Harris
May 24, 2018
As the end of the school year comes, the majority of athletes are beginning to end their season, including sophomore Jillian Harris who finished the regular season with a bang, achieving a long awaited goal of a new personal record.
“It felt good to know that I can continue to push myself and still do better,” Harris said. “It was phenomenal to end the season with a best. I was shocked by it because I didn’t think I did that good.”
Although Harris did end the season, she was still unable to qualify for regionals, meaning not only her sophomore swimming season is now over.
“It was disappointing to not be able to go to state, especially after putting in all the effort for a new personal best and that not being enough,” Harris said.
Despite not making it to regionals or state, it always takes some sort of motivation in order to make yourself better, no matter what the competition is.
“Swimming makes me feel good about my body because it keeps me in shape,” Harris said.
“If I do swimming next year, I think i will be able to make it to state in the following years.”