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The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

The Mentor

The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

Poems and Music Sophomore Luciana Finch performs her winning poem at the BSU Poetry Slam.

BSU hosts poetry slam

Alejandra Parma, Staff Writer February 4, 2025

Students and a local community member for a night full of powerful performances on Feb. 3 when Black Student Union hosted their much-anticipated annual Poetry Slam in Rezac Auditorium.  The event,...

USD383 BoE update with board member Jayme Morris-Hardeman

USD383 BoE update with board member Jayme Morris-Hardeman

Advith Natarajan, Editor-in-Chief January 21, 2025

The following Q&A was an email interview conducted with school board member Jayme Morris-Hardeman. Tell me about the move to the Lincoln education center. How has that transition been going for the...

Scoreboard. USD383’s model for the video board, which they hope to have installed by next football season. Photo courtesy of USD 383

USD 383 confirms video board at Bishop by ’25-’26 season

Lane Lewison, Sports Editor January 21, 2025

Bishop Stadium is the home to many athletic and non-athletic events at Manhattan High School. Now, it will also be home to a brand-new, state-of-the-art video board. Earlier this month, USD 383 accepted...

Snowed in. The Manhattan area received nearly 14 inches of snow to start the year, delaying school for three days. The district also began their late start policy due to the extreme winter weather. Photos courtesy of Kristy Nyp

Snowy Start

Jack Spiegel, Blue M Co-Editor-in-Chief January 21, 2025

After a long first semester, a 17-day break is exactly what many Manhattan High School students needed to rest and recharge before the final semester of the year. However, after Blizzard Blair made its...

Volunteers participate in active shooter drill

Lane Lewison, Staff Writer July 15, 2024

Manhattan High School hosted active shooter drills on July 10,11 and 12.  Over the course of the three days, Riley County Police Department (RCPD), Manhattan Fire Department (MFD) and the Riley...

Admin updates multiple policies

Admin updates multiple policies

Advith Natarajan, Managing Editor May 2, 2024

As the school year draws to a close, administrators and counselors are working towards finalizing concurrent Kansas State University and Manhattan Area Technical College classes for the 2024-25 school...

Parking causes issues on campus

Parking causes issues on campus

Elizabeth Thornley, Staff Writer April 25, 2024

The city of Manhattan has been known for generations for not having enough space for parking.  This is true at Kansas State University.  It is true in Aggieville. And it is also true at Manhattan...

CiCo Park Renovations to Baseball and Tennis Facilities

CiCo Park Renovations to Baseball and Tennis Facilities

Advith Natarajan, Managing Editor March 28, 2024

The City of Manhattan recently approved design plans for their major CiCo Park renovation. The new facilities will contain all-turf baseball fields, a renovated clubhouse/concession, new area for track...

Datapoints courtesy of Kansas Department of Education Data Central

Defining Chronic Absenteeism, why it Matters, and how USD383 is Addressing It

Advith Natarajan, Managing Editor March 26, 2024

This is an extension of the preliminary investigative report on unexcused absence data published in edition 6 16 million students nationwide were chronically absent during the 2022-23 school year, double...

Music department looks forward to multiple concerts

Music department looks forward to multiple concerts

Hunter Flagg, Online EIC March 5, 2024

Over the month of March, the music department’s Band, Orchestra and Choir have a multitude of concerts to look forward to. “I love performing,” percussionist Benjamin Pittman, sophomore said....

Admin Update: Parking lot timeline, staffing, hiring

Admin Update: Parking lot timeline, staffing, hiring

Advith Natarajan, Managing Editor March 5, 2024

A new parking lot, the adoption of new graduation requirements and hiring new teachers are all issues facing Manhattan High administration this month. Construction has officially begun for the new Oak...

New attendance monitoring system implemented

New attendance monitoring system implemented

Advith Natarajan, Managing Editor March 5, 2024

Two weeks into Manhattan High's new attendance alert system, the number of unexcused absences has decreased significantly. In early February, Manhattan High School began implementing an attendance alert...

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