Antonio Combs, Photographer
Junior Antonio Combs is a photographer and new to the Mentor staff. Though new to staff, Combs has been interested in photography for some time.
“I’ve done some photography, not much [though],” Combs said. “[I’ve] just always had an interest in [it] and I just never really proceeded to do it.”
Combs used to be a Varsity cheerleader and played football at his old school. Combs is also interested in cheer and dance, which allow him to express himself.
“[I’m] expressing myself in different ways, and that’s kind of like my personality. I’m really cheerful and happy most of the time,” Combs said.
While Combs isn’t involved at the school, he plans to join the Thespians club.
“I might do the Thespians club or something like that just to get used to the open [setting] and doing the plays and just getting more involved in other things,” Combs said.
With Combs being new to school, he hopes to be involved with more activities.
“I just want to help everyone [and] be part of something,” Combs said.