Laneya Christian, Online Editor-in-Chief
Senior Laneya Christian has been in MHS Student Media since 2021. She is now the Online Editor-in-Chief.
Christian participates in The Mentor newspaper, Blue M yearbook and Video Production.
“I joined this class because I had an interest in journalism and took a survey that recommended me to these classes,” she said.
Christian like journalistic writing because you get to learn about the style of writing and how the news stories are put together.
“This year I would like to make my stories impactful and better than my previous year,” Christian said, “specially since it is my senior year.”
When not writing you can find Christian reading, participating in extracurriculars and spending time with family and friends.
2021-2022 bio
Junior Laneya Christian is a first year staff writer on The Mentor who is looking forward to exploring the world of journalism.
“I’m looking forward to … features [writing],” Christian said. “I’m hoping that I [eventually figure out] what I want to do in journalism.”
One of Christian’s favorite Netflix shows is “The Flash,” in which her favorite character on the show led her into the journalism room.
“The reason why I … want to be a journalist is because I really like [the character] Claire,” Christian said. “I really like how she’s portrayed in the show [as a journalist].”
Outside of school, you’ll likely find Christian drawing or hanging with her little brother.