Madeline Marshall, News Editor
Hello all, I’m Madeline Marshall. I am currently the print editor-in-chief of The Mentor. Outside of newspaper I enjoy creating, thinking and exploring. To elaborate, in the field of creation, I enjoy playing alto saxophone and improvising (spontaneously creating melodies: a jazz-centered endeavor), writing and finding new ways to do/think about the mundane. As far as thinking goes, I spend a lot of time thinking about most everything, from the most basic definition of a seemingly ordinary word to the the broad concept of why. Lastly, under the category of exploration, I enjoy reading (exploring other worlds), listening to music (exploring new ideas), finding new and interesting vocabulary (exploring language), science (exploring the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world) and life (exploring just about everything). As for the more tedious and trivial facts about myself, my favorite colors are green and black, I love oreo milkshakes and I think animals are pretty cool. To end on a rather vast and meaningful note: I am most passionate about equality and will gladly speak out against inequality on any level. That is all.