Madison Newman, Senior Photographer
Hi! I’m Madison. I am a senior photographer, I am certified in the fine art of sass and plan on one day showing the world that Supernatural is the best show in the world. I have blue hair, I have one younger sister — she is 9 — who will forever be a rockstar and my best friend. I love trap dancing, chinese food and i will always be in love with a fictional character because boys in reality are stupid. The urban dictionary defines “Madison” as “”amazing, beautiful, intelligent, and simply perfect girl. Madisons are perfect girlfriends, and even better wives. Madisons are great dancers, and can do anything they set their minds to. Madisons will do anything for their friends, and will always be there for them no matter what. They are awesome friends to make, and will never leave your side. Madisons are perfect in every way.” – now, I’m not perfect, but I do make some pretty perfect double chocolate rocky road brownies.
Don’t do drugs. Stay in school. Get a real job. Drink legally. Good day.