Tracy Le, News Editor
Hey. Hi. Hello. My name is Tracy, and I like long walks on the beach (at night), booping cute things, and staring at walls. I have too many unhealthy obsessions to count (The Lord of the Rings, food, and tumblr being a few of them) and the level of awkwardness I can potentially reach is sky-high. Along with all that, I enjoy jumping into random bushes (at the speed of lightning) to escape from possibly having to communicate with my neighbors (this is probably not a good thing to be proud of) and playing music (whether it be My Chemical Romance or The Phantom of the Opera) obnoxiously loud (sometimes if I’m in the mood there’s even a little head-banging action going on). I wish I could hug all the dogs in the world and stealing strange, made-up words from ‘90s kids’ TV shows and incorporating them into my everyday vocabulary (and maliciously watching as my family members start using said words ironically) is a pastime I adore. I’m insane. I have a cousin whose nickname is Lobster, and I like fruit, cheesecake and sometimes, I even like people. I have a great love for art, literature and music, and I’m sorry to whomever is reading this/was blackmailed into reading this (and I hope you have an amazing day/night/afternoon/3 a.m. snack/I don’t know). Tell your dogs I said hi.