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The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

The Mentor

The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

Spring Concert Fever

Spring Concert Fever

Elizabeth Thornley, Staff Writer May 20, 2024

May concerts for Orchestra, Choir and Band have been a last chance for seniors in the Performing Arts department classes to show off what they've learned through their years of music. Orchestra had...

Music department looks forward to multiple concerts

Music department looks forward to multiple concerts

Hunter Flagg, Online EIC March 5, 2024

Over the month of March, the music department’s Band, Orchestra and Choir have a multitude of concerts to look forward to. “I love performing,” percussionist Benjamin Pittman, sophomore said....

Disney Trips Should Occur More Often

Disney Trips Should Occur More Often

Hayden Decker, Staff Writer February 26, 2024

Manhattan High School should hold a choir/drama/band “Disney World Trip" every year instead of every three years. Everyone will have more of an opportunity to participate in the field trip as they will...

Band Achieves Highest Ranking at Band Festival

Band Achieves Highest Ranking at Band Festival

Will Ivester, Sports Editor October 26, 2023

The Manhattan High School Big Blue Marching Band achieved a score of one, the highest ranking, again this year at the annual Central States Marching Festival held in Manhattan at Bill Snyder Family Stadium...

Blue Notes Performs at Pitt University

Jack Spiegel, Staff Writer March 4, 2023

The Manhattan High School Blue Notes Jazz Band went to Pittsburg State University for the Kansas Jazz Band Contest on March 3.  Blue Notes director Devin Burr thought the experience would be a...

Students perform in Regionals Festival, qualify to State

Lasirra Hines, Blue M Editor-in-Chief April 11, 2022

Students from choir, orchestra and band partook in the Kansas State High School Activities Association Solo and Ensemble Regional Festival last Saturday. Preparation for the event looked different for...

Band, Choir, Orchestra students participate in KMEA State

Kris Long, Print Editor-in-Chief March 1, 2022

Manhattan High qualified 29 music students for the Kansas Music Education Association state conference over the weekend in Wichita. Students representing the Choir, Orchestra and Band programs in the KMEA...

Marching band performs final concert

Katelyn Jensen, Staff Writer December 7, 2021

For their last event of the year, the marching band performed for the high school on Friday night. Each band member worked hard before the event and accomplished many of their goals from the beginning...

Students perform in NCKMEA, prepare for All-State

Lasirra Hines, Blue M Editor-in-Chief December 6, 2021

Students from the Manhattan High Orchestra and Band performed in the North-Central Kansas Honor Orchestra last Saturday. Manhattan students represented 26 out of 49 members in the honor orchestra and 11...

Senior Anika Nyp stands at attention during the clinic portion of the band festival. Photo courtesy of Kristy Nyp

Marching band performs at Central States Marching Festival

McKayla Clark Snodgrass, Page Editor October 25, 2021

The Manhattan High Marching Band performed at the Central States Marching Festival on Saturday, receiving a score of I. Many band students have never experienced a normal marching season or festival....

Marching band students play in All-Star band

Katelyn Jensen, Staff Writer September 14, 2021

Eighteen members of Manhattan High’s Big Blue Marching Band participated in the All-Star Band at the Kansas State University football game on Saturday.  This is the fifth time MHS has had students...

New facilities provide practice space

Laneya Christian, Staff Writer September 14, 2021

Manhattan High opened its new sports facilities, including a new football practice field and tennis courts, at the beginning of this school year for use by PE classes, sport teams and music practice.  Head...

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