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The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

The Mentor

The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

Currents events necessary in high school curriculum

Currents events necessary in high school curriculum

Eddie Bruegger, Audio Producer March 26, 2022

In social studies classes at school, we cover World History, sometimes European History, United States History and United States Government. We do not, however, cover current events, things that are happening...

'Elden Ring' breath of fresh air for video games

‘Elden Ring’ breath of fresh air for video games

Eddie Bruegger, Audio Producer March 6, 2022

Video game developer FromSoftware released a new action adventure game “Elden Ring” on Feb. 25. The game was a successor to the studio’s “Dark Souls” series. Upon release, the game received glowing...

COVID-19 vaccination helpful now more than ever

COVID-19 vaccination helpful now more than ever

Eddie Bruegger, Audio Producer January 24, 2022

In the past few weeks, it seems like there have been more students and staff absent from school than any time this year. In almost all my classes, there were several students absent from class, often for...

35 MHS students graduate early

Eddie Bruegger, Audio Producer December 12, 2021

From getting a head start on college to freeing up time for a job to personal reasons like wanting to put high school behind them, 35 Manhattan High students will finish their high school experience for...

Interact Club maintains trees

Eddie Bruegger, Audio Producer November 8, 2021

Over the weekend, members of the MHS Interact Club met at the Northeast Community Park to follow up on some trees that they had planted in the past. This is part of an ongoing project that the Interact...

ASU holds Diwali celebration

Eddie Bruegger, Audio Producer October 30, 2021

To celebrate the annual holiday Diwali, Asian Student Union held a party on campus after school last Thursday. Diwali is a primarily Indian holiday that is about recognizing the triumph of light over darkness.  The...

Community service projects vital to community, school and School

Community service projects vital to community, school and School

Eddie Bruegger, Audio Producer September 12, 2021

Right now at Manhattan High, the junior Class Student Council is running a clothing drive and clothing sale fundraiser. Their goal is to give less fortunate members of the community an opportunity to purchase...

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