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The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

The Mentor

The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

March into Spring with Environmental Club

March into Spring with Environmental Club

Rachel Palmgren, Yearbook Editor March 22, 2024

After a long, cold winter in Manhattan, Kansas, the temperature outside is increasing, the trees are blooming, and students are spending more and more time outside. While the start of spring reminds...

New formal attire isn’t worth environmental impact

New formal attire isn’t worth environmental impact

Lasirra Hines, Opinions Editor April 11, 2022

Prom is in a little over a week, and with that comes the demand for a new outfit to wear. Whether that be a cocktail dress, a halter dress, a three-piece suit, or donning a corset, high school dances see...

Interact Club maintains trees

Eddie Bruegger, Audio Producer November 8, 2021

Over the weekend, members of the MHS Interact Club met at the Northeast Community Park to follow up on some trees that they had planted in the past. This is part of an ongoing project that the Interact...

Why can't our school use reusable trays

Why can’t our school use reusable trays

Laneya Christian, Staff Writer November 7, 2021

I think that MHS should implement the use of reusable plastic trays because they are more environmentally friendly and are the most cost-effective, compared to styrofoam trays used in the school cafeteria. ...

Environmental efforts needed today to ensure tomorrow’s future

Kaitlin Clark, Print Editor-in-Chief April 15, 2019

Society has become far too comfortable pushing the environment to the back of its agenda. It’s an easy thing to do, what with the seemingly never-ending whirlwind of worldwide political turmoil that...

Environmental protection deserves spotlight

Kaitlin Clark, Print Editor-in-Chief October 2, 2018

There is one thing that is more detrimental to Earth’s survival than anything else: humans. It has become common to see large cities such as New York or Los Angeles covered in a layer of smog due...

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