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The Mentor

The Mentor

The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

Connor Price’s ‘Thrillin’ Carries New Sounds

Luke Romo, Staff Writer November 10, 2023

Connor Price recently released a brand new song titled “Thrillin” and I believe it’s one of his best. The song starts with a very eerie sound to it with thunder in the background, sort of sounds...

Include Everyone From Everywhere

Include Everyone From Everywhere

Ava Gary-Hernandez, Staff Writer November 2, 2023

Manhattan High's clubs consist of being big and very involved with people only at the high school or their parents, such as TRIBE, FCCLA, HSU,FSU, clubs that only include one group of people.  The...

Trick-Or-Treat so They can Eat

Trick-Or-Treat so They can Eat

Emery Schmidt, Staff Writer October 30, 2023

October came around the corner. And naturally, that prompted a multitude of things: People using any excuse to wear a jacket despite the Midwestern-ness of autumn and the weather still being in summer...

30th Anniversary for “Nightmare Before Christmas”

Charleigh Nelson, Staff Writer October 29, 2023

With Halloween not being too long ago, and with Christmas right around the corner, AMC Theater Is currently marking the 30th anniversary of "The Nightmare Before Christmas” with showtimes. Released on...

Photo Courtesy of Lane Lewison

The Off Days Should be Redistributed

Hunter Flagg, Online EIC October 23, 2023

In the first semester of 2023, there are nearly 30 scheduled off days for all USD 383 students to enjoy. This is undeniably healthy. However, the layout of these days does not make logistical sense, or...

BSU holds second trunk-or-treat

McKayla Clark Snodgrass, Page Editor November 1, 2021

The Manhattan High Black Student Union hosted their second trunk-or-treat.  “We kind of did one last year but it didn’t go through as planned because of COVID,” said junior Nyah Evans-Pryor,...

Thespians collect food through TOTSKE

Kris Long, Print Editor-in-Chief November 1, 2021

Instead of putting on a spooky performance, Manhattan High Thespians take time around Halloween every year to give back to their community. The club participated in TOTSKE -- Trick-or-Treat so kids can...

AFS goes to Britt’s Farm

Sarah Scheele, Staff Writer October 31, 2021

AFS traveled to Britt’s Farm for Halloween on Friday, October 29. They experienced a corn maze and hayrack ride.  “There were people in the maze chasing us with chainsaws,” sophomore representative...

Freshman StuCo hosts first fundraiser, serves as learning experience

Advith Natarajan, Staff Writer October 31, 2021

Freshman Student Council held its inaugural class fundraiser at A&H Farms on Friday. The fundraiser gave students the opportunity to get into the fall spirit by providing Halloween-themed games, slides,...

Halloween Horrors

Rachel Edie, Business Manager October 28, 2019

As the Halloween season reaches its peak, people of all ages have started to turn towards haunted attractions in preparation for the big day. Everyone waits in line for a chance to get in on the fun and,...

Pumpkin carving tips and tricks

Hannah Heger, Trending Editor October 28, 2019

The glowing pumpkin faces on front porches and window sills have become staples of the Halloween season. But do you ever wonder where those shining faces come from?  The first step comes with knowing...

Inktober inspires artists

Kyla Barnett, Features Editor October 28, 2019

Halloween brings spooky times, trick or treating, scary movies and a fun challenge for artists.  During the month of October artists from all around the country participate in a prompt challenge...

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