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The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

The Mentor

The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

How to say goodbye

Kaitlin Clark, Print Editor-in-Chief May 13, 2019

When I sat down to write this, I realized I only had one shot. Roughly 500 words to express everything that high school has meant to me and everything that I have learned. I wasn’t sure how to do this....

Bastille’s ‘Joy’ genuinely fun

Kaitlin Clark, Print Editor-in-Chief May 7, 2019

It’s been three years since indie pop/rock group Bastille released an album, and no one has been waiting as excitedly as I have. Well, the wait is nearly over. Last Thursday, Bastille released...

‘Endgame’ fitting end to Avengers era

Kaitlin Clark, Print Editor-in-Chief April 29, 2019

As the lights in the theatre dimmed, I was instantly hit by the realization that this would be the final time I watched an Avengers movie for the first time. That reminder was ever-present through my viewing...

Student Council names 2019 – 2020 officers

Kaitlin Clark, Print Editor-in-Chief April 24, 2019

As the school year begins to come to an end, Manhattan High Student Council is planning for the year that lies ahead, including naming the newly-elected officers. The 2019-2020 student body officers...

Life Skills classes compete at Job Olympics

Kaitlin Clark, Print Editor-in-Chief April 8, 2019

Every week this school year, the Life Skills group has gone on a trip somewhere in the community, and recently, their trip was to the Job Olympics competition at K-State, where they earned a total of six...

‘The Umbrella Academy’ an unexpectedly heartfelt message of family unity

Kaitlin Clark, Print Editor-in-Chief February 26, 2019

Plenty of people feel like they don’t fit in during their teenage years, but for the characters in Netflix’s new series “The Umbrella Academy,” this feeling is taken to the extreme. The 10-episode...

Wildlife-centered media vital to protection of animals

Kaitlin Clark, Print Editor-in-Chief January 28, 2019

Vulnerability comes in many forms, but animals are particularly susceptible to the cruelty of others. With no way to defend themselves from humans, wild animals are killed, sold and traded every day. Activists...

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