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The Mentor

The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

Student group joins to compete in Economic Challenge

Meredith Comas, Online Editor-in-Chief April 29, 2019

Manhattan High has a multitude of athletic and academic teams to fit the personality of virtually any student who may roam within its cinder block halls waiting for a chance to let out their competitive...

Student Council names 2019 – 2020 officers

Kaitlin Clark, Print Editor-in-Chief April 24, 2019

As the school year begins to come to an end, Manhattan High Student Council is planning for the year that lies ahead, including naming the newly-elected officers. The 2019-2020 student body officers...

FFA takes third in horse judging contest

Julianna Poe, Copy editor April 10, 2019

Manhattan High FFA competed in the North Central District Horse Judging Contest in Beloit. Below are the results of our sibling tag team -- out of 15 individuals and seven teams -- who earned a plaque...

Junior Krystal Kilner sits back in her chair during the blood drive on April ninth. After giving blood the donors were treated to oreos and other iron-rich snacks to replenish themselves with.

Student Council hosts second blood drive of school year

Brianna Carmack, Opinions Editor April 9, 2019

Student Council advertised that three lives can be saved from one pint of blood. On Tuesday, 120 lives were saved at the blood drive, which was held in the South Gym, run by Student Council and the...

FFA receives first in food science at CCCC Aggie Day

Julianna Poe, Copy editor April 8, 2019

Last Thursday, five Manhattan High FFA members -- seniors Ayden Boyles and Elise Jackson, juniors Jacoby Kerr and Lauren Waldrat and sophomore Tessarae Harris -- competed in the Kansas Cloud County Community...

SADD prepares Spring Fling

Hannah Heger, Features Editor March 25, 2019

Welcoming the new spring season, Manhattan High celebrates with a celebration hosted by Students Against Destructive Decisions. Having a variety of activities, ranging from laser tag to Dancing with a...

Club financial status inefficiently communicated

Brianna Carmack, Opinions Editor March 25, 2019

It’s common practice for clubs and school organizations to fund their activities with money they obtain themselves. However, relying on the accuracy of the funding they have can be a struggle. Due...

New York students visit Manhattan in AFS exchange

Emma Elliott, Staff Writer March 25, 2019

Last week, New York students visited the city of Manhattan Thursday, when the whole club visited the K-State campus and went bowling. The next day, they attended the high school where they were partnered...

Junior Jacoby Kerr competes in the Skills USA regional automotive competition on Feb. 26. Kerr placed third in the eight stationed competition, with placing third Kerr won a tool box and a $500 scholarship to PSU.

SkillsUSA attends automotive conference

Madison Ritz, Staff Writer February 26, 2019

SkillsUSA sponsor Christopher Collins and seven students attended an automotive service technologies-based conference on Feb. 26. Last week, Collins and his students traveled to Pittsburg State University...

Senior Cyere Chatmon sings "Lift Every Voice" by James Weldon Johnson at the Poetry Slam hosted by BSU.

BSU hosts open poetry slam

Hannah Heger, Features Editor February 26, 2019

The Black Student Union celebrated Black History Month with their fifth annual Poetry Slam. Allowing students to express their individuality and their personal side, the BSU event also provides the students...

Science Olympiad takes first at regionals, heads to state

Meredith Comas, Online Editor-in-Chief February 15, 2019

The Manhattan High Science Olympiad team is continuing the competition season, placing first at their regional competition on Feb. 15. According to sponsor Dick Nelson, the team received first place...

Senior Mason Jackson shoots the ball during his team's warm-up time at the intramural basketballl games on Feb. 5. Jackson's team the L.A. Leakers first game of the night was against the Star-Spangled Ballers.

Intramurals begin championships

Aloera Ostermann, Staff Writer February 5, 2019

For weeks on end many students have been playing intramural basketball and now the time has come for the best team to finally be decided. The intramural tournament, which is single elimination,  has...

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