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The Mentor

The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

Admin updates multiple policies

Admin updates multiple policies

Advith Natarajan, Managing Editor May 2, 2024

As the school year draws to a close, administrators and counselors are working towards finalizing concurrent Kansas State University and Manhattan Area Technical College classes for the 2024-25 school...

CiCo Park Renovations to Baseball and Tennis Facilities

CiCo Park Renovations to Baseball and Tennis Facilities

Advith Natarajan, Managing Editor March 28, 2024

The City of Manhattan recently approved design plans for their major CiCo Park renovation. The new facilities will contain all-turf baseball fields, a renovated clubhouse/concession, new area for track...

Datapoints courtesy of Kansas Department of Education Data Central

Defining Chronic Absenteeism, why it Matters, and how USD383 is Addressing It

Advith Natarajan, Managing Editor March 26, 2024

This is an extension of the preliminary investigative report on unexcused absence data published in edition 6 16 million students nationwide were chronically absent during the 2022-23 school year, double...

Admin Update: Parking lot timeline, staffing, hiring

Admin Update: Parking lot timeline, staffing, hiring

Advith Natarajan, Managing Editor March 5, 2024

A new parking lot, the adoption of new graduation requirements and hiring new teachers are all issues facing Manhattan High administration this month. Construction has officially begun for the new Oak...

Extreme Winter Weather Impacts USD383

Extreme Winter Weather Impacts USD383

Advith Natarajan, Staff Writer February 8, 2024

USD 383 experienced numerous closures in early January due to a massive winter storm that swept through much of the Midwest and Northeast United States. The Manhattan area received nearly 12 inches...

Admin Updates Class of '28 Graduation and Parking Requirements

Admin Updates Class of ’28 Graduation and Parking Requirements

Advith Natarajan, Managing Editor January 30, 2024

USD 383 administrators are working to finalize graduation requirements for the Class of 2028 (current eighth graders). Superintendent Eric Reid and Manhattan High Principal Michael Dorst attended a curriculum...

Proposal for new Oak Street Parking Lot announced

Proposal for new Oak Street Parking Lot announced

Advith Natarajan, Managing Editor September 21, 2023

Manhattan High School has announced plans for a new Oak Street parking lot.  The parking lot will add 80-90 spaces for student parking and serve as an additional entrance and exit for the school....

Photo Courtesy of Lane Lewison

A New Era

Advith Natarajan, Managing Editor September 21, 2023

It is safe to say Manhattan High School has embarked on a new chapter.  The transition of freshmen to West campus, a stunning east wing and over 2,000 students under one roof -- these changes have...

Photo Courtesy of Lane Lewison

Heat sensor triggers fire alarm in school once again

Advith Natarajan, Staff Writer September 14, 2023

At 10:35pm last night, a heat sensor in the lower E-hall kiln room triggered a fire alarm. The Fire Department arrived at 10:42pm and deemed the school safe, allowing custodial staff to reenter.  “I...

Construction crews continue to make progress on the East side of West Campus.

Construction partially complete, focus shifts to East side project

Julianna Poe, Online Editor-in-Chief March 28, 2022

From a new main entrance to future parking expansions, Manhattan High West Campus has begun to take on a distinct, different look. With several projects completed and many more to go, the future of MHS...

Supply chain issues disrupt paper distribution in USD 383

Advith Natarajan, Staff Writer February 27, 2022

The pandemic-driven supply chain crisis has impacted businesses and companies worldwide. USD 383 has felt the consequences of the supply issues as of late, with a recent paper shortage across the district.  “We...

ASU gains approval to host larger presentation about microaggressions

Laneya Christian, Staff Writer January 31, 2022

The ongoing issue of microaggressions in the Manhattan High School community will be the topic of a professional development session for MHS staff presented by members of the Asian Student Union on...

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