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The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

The Mentor

The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

Community members protest at East Campus

Julianna Poe, Online Editor-in-Chief January 29, 2022

East Campus students were greeted on Thursday morning by two community members who were passing out pamphlets with anti-abortion information, parading an image supporting their cause and protesting through...

Choir performs in holiday parade

Taryn Robinson, Sports Editor December 8, 2021

The Manhattan High School choir participated in a festive event on Friday. “The Chamber Choir and a few other members of other choirs joined us at Triangle Park in Aggieville to sing Christmas carols...

Michelle McCormick speaks to SASV on healthy relationships

Avery Snider, Staff Writer December 8, 2021

Healthy relationships have many different implications, and unhealthy relationships come in many forms, according to Michelle McCormick, director of Victim Services at the Kansas Attorney General's Office. Last...

K-State computer coding contest

Ayana Jones, Staff Writer November 8, 2021

The Kansas-State University Engineering and Computer Science department hosted a computer programming contest where they invited teams of students, from all different high schools, to compete in a coding...

Debate hosts tournament

Debate hosts tournament

November 8, 2021

The Manhattan High debate team hosted its annual home tournament this weekend. Home tournaments usually mean that no teams from MHS compete, but this weekend was unusual in the fact that there were teams...

AFS goes to Britt’s Farm

Sarah Scheele, Staff Writer October 31, 2021

AFS traveled to Britt’s Farm for Halloween on Friday, October 29. They experienced a corn maze and hayrack ride.  “There were people in the maze chasing us with chainsaws,” sophomore representative...

Mr. MHS cancelled

Kris Long, Print Editor-in-Chief October 26, 2021

Mr. MHS has been cancelled for this year due to a lack of volunteers, interrupting a 36 year tradition at Manhattan High. “Unfortunately, there just weren't enough people interested in participating,”...

Thespians host kids camp

Radian Baxter, Staff Writer October 25, 2021

Elementary children had a chance to express their creativity while their parents had time to themselves during the Thespian kids camp on Oct. 15.  Thespian officers looked after children in a daycare...

Junior StuCo fundraises for 2022 prom

Sarah Sheele, Staff Writer October 4, 2021

The Junior Student Council held a Thrift Store Pop Up on Saturday, Sept. 25, from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Manhattan High School gym. They have been collecting clothing donations over the past few weeks...

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