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The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

The Mentor

The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

The Paradoxical question of Smartphones in School

The Paradoxical question of Smartphones in School

Advith Natarajan, Managing Editor March 28, 2024

With the rise of the digital age, communication has become hyper-efficient. Through text messages, WhatsApp, Messenger or any of the thousands of messaging platforms, the world is connected in a way we...

Banning Books solves Nothing

Banning Books solves Nothing

Jack Speigel, Senior Staff Writer March 28, 2024

Recently, the topic of “banning books” has been circulating around the country due to an increase in the American culture war. Discussion on this topic has been brought up in many school districts...

CiCo Park Renovations to Baseball and Tennis Facilities

CiCo Park Renovations to Baseball and Tennis Facilities

Advith Natarajan, Managing Editor March 28, 2024

The City of Manhattan recently approved design plans for their major CiCo Park renovation. The new facilities will contain all-turf baseball fields, a renovated clubhouse/concession, new area for track...

New attendance monitoring system implemented

New attendance monitoring system implemented

Advith Natarajan, Managing Editor March 5, 2024

Two weeks into Manhattan High's new attendance alert system, the number of unexcused absences has decreased significantly. In early February, Manhattan High School began implementing an attendance alert...

Biggest issue during pickups at MHS

Biggest issue during pickups at MHS

Luke Romo, Staff Writer February 26, 2024

During pickups of students at the end of the day there is one main line, it wraps around the road closest to the school. A parent picks up their kid, gets out of line, and drives off. This makes it possible...

Children Need their Childhood

Children Need their Childhood

Emery Schmidt, Staff Writer February 8, 2024

The days of children running barefoot in grass and making messes for the fun of it are over. Fantasizing about toy stores and having an endless supply of candy couldn't seem more distant from what children...

Students reflect on guardian support, trust

Students reflect on guardian support, trust

Julianna Poe, Online Editor-in-Chief November 7, 2021

From support in expressing new interests and ideas to the independence and freedoms given, for a number of students their parents and guardians help them discover who they are in a way that makes those...

Parents should allow children more freedom

Kyla Barnett, Features Editor March 2, 2020

Many of us have that one friend whose parents need them home by seven on a weeknight and their phone is taken away as soon as they enter the house. If they’re even a minute late, they end up grounded...

Parents should be treated with respect

Madison Ritz, Staff Writer November 6, 2018

At some point we’ve all treated out parents horribly, whether it was intentional or not. Your parents aren't here forever, so make every second of time with them last, and cherish it. With that being...

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