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The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

The Mentor

The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

School should pay for recycling

Kris Long, Opinions Editor January 27, 2020

Manhattan Environmental Club (formerly known as Environmental Science Investigations) sent out an email to other MHS clubs on Jan. 15 asking for assistance in paying for recycling. Which, in previous years,...

MEC asks for help funding recycling

Kyla Barnett, Features Editor January 27, 2020

Manhattan Environmental Club reached out to clubs at Manhattan High School to help pay for recycling throughout the school. MEC was able to pay for this year’s recycling with the help of StuCo and Interact...

Make recycling mean something

Jennifer Sadler, Staff Photographer February 20, 2019

How many years have your parents, neighbors, or even teachers mentioned the term “recycle” to you? That term plays a vast role in our society, yet many people choose to neglect it. In the...

Letter to the Editor

January 15, 2019

Dec. 11, 2018   Dear Editor of the Manhattan High School Mentor: Re: your article “Recycling to better environments” by Features Editor Hannah Heger, Hannah makes an impressive case that...

Recycling to better environments

Recycling to better environments

Hannah Heger, Features Editor December 11, 2018

Schools depend on students and faculty to keep the hallways and classrooms clean. Lately many students at Manhattan High School have been throwing away food waste in the recycling bins the school provides....

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