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The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

The Mentor

The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

NHS to induct New Members

NHS to induct New Members

Sandra Fuentes Toro, Staff Writer March 29, 2024

Manhattan High's National Honor Society chapter is recognizing the next round of sophomores for their academic excellence and demonstration of leadership skills by initiating them as new members. “The...

Lady Indians’ basketball dominates to a four and one start

Lady Indians’ basketball dominates to a four and one start

Jackson Froehlich, Staff Writer December 11, 2023

After a blowout 29-point victory over Dodge City last Friday, the Manhattan Lady Indians have leapt out to a quick 4-1 record on the season.  After the girls lost their season opener, they have...

Photo Courtesy of Lane Lewison

National Honor Society Provides Childcare

Billy Koeppe, Staff Writer October 30, 2023

At the Oct. 11 MHS Choir Concert, National Honor Society (NHS) provided free childcare. Sponsor for NHS, Robin Mall, said,“We played ball with them. They also had little coloring pages.” Emery...

Manhattan High experiences case spike amidst protocol changes

Kris Long, Print Editor-in-Chief January 17, 2022

As the Omicron wave hits Riley County USD 383 is feeling the effects, reinstituting the mask mandate before school began second semester, shutting down due to lack of staff on Friday, Jan. 14 and setting...

District nurses obtain rapid response COVID-19 tests

District nurses obtain rapid response COVID-19 tests

Kris Long, Print Editor-in-Chief September 20, 2021

In light of increasing COVID-19 cases, school nurse Robin Mall has gained access to Abbott rapid response COVID-19 testing as of Sept. 13 for students who come to the nurse’s office with symptoms of...

Konza Dental Clinic screens students teeth

Konza Dental Clinic screens students teeth

Avery Snider, Staff Writer September 16, 2021

Manhattan High provided the annual dental health screenings on Tuesday, Sept. 14. Students were called down to the Little Theatre by grade, a process that took all school day. There were several volunteers...

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