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The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

Scholars Bowl Wins Third Straight League Title

Scholars Bowl Wins Third Straight League Title

Will Ivester, Sports Editor February 13, 2024

The Manhattan High Scholars Bowl team won their third straight Centennial League title last week after losing only a single match in all of League play.  “It means a lot, it’s our team's three-peat,”...

Scholars Bowl Begins

Hayden Decker, Staff Writer October 23, 2023

The Scholars Bowl team has been practicing their skills and knowledge to prepare for a new season to follow last year’s dominating Regional competitions, showcasing their expertise in various subjects. Sophomore...

Scholars Bowl takes second place at state

Ayana Jones, Features Editor February 19, 2022

The Scholars Bowl teams’ season came to an end after placing second at State on Feb. 14th. “It was a higher level of competition,” said senior Grace Higgins. The team had some eventful weeks...

Scholars Bowl wins League, prepares for Regionals

Ayana Jones, Features Editor January 30, 2022

The Scholars Bowl team will advance to Regionals after winning their Centennial League meet on Thursday.  Scholars Bowl coach and math teacher Ted Dawdy and assistant coach and social studies...

Scholars Bowl preps for final tournaments of the season

Ayana Jones, Staff Writer January 24, 2022

Scholars Bowl has had an eventful season so far, going head to head with schools like Lawrence High School and others, leading up to now, as they prepare for their final tournaments of the season.  Scholars...

The MHS Scholars Bowl team works to complete a math question during the Scholars Bowl competition on Jan. 28.

 Scholars Bowl places first at regionals

Brianna Carmack, Opinions Editor February 4, 2019

After a long season of focus, training and preparation, Scholars Bowl placed first at Regionals in Wichita on Jan. 31. “I knew we had a very solid team going in giving us a very good chance to advance...

Scholars Bowl is regionals runner-up

Kami Bussmann, Staff Writer February 6, 2018

Taking advantage of the van ride to go over questions in preparation for Regional Scholars Bowl in Wichita on Thursday paid off. “We practiced questions for half of the way,” sophomore Josh Brandt...

Scholars Bowl takes second at League

Kami Bussmann, Staff Writer February 1, 2018

All year Manhattan High Scholars Bowl has been working hard and has been striving for a win and has succeeded finishing in the top three each time. They continued their season Monday at a home meet at...

Scholars Bowl finishes semester strong

Kami Bussmann, Staff Writer December 19, 2017

From competition to competition, Junior Varsity or Varsity, this year’s Manhattan High Scholars Bowl team has been on fire. Varsity and J.V. have been pushing through the competition from other schools...

Scholars Bowl finishes with state runner-up title

Karmen Martinie, Staff Writer February 21, 2017

For the second year in a row, Manhattan High Scholars Bowl team has come home with second. Saturday Feb. 11, Scholars Bowl took second place at their state tournament. Among the students from Manhattan...

J.V. Scholars Bowl hosts home meet; Varsity qualifies for state

Angie Moss, Print Editor in Chief February 7, 2017

Last Monday, the J.V. Scholars Bowl team wrapped up their regular season with a home meet. Manhattan High had two teams competing, and both teams occupied the top places in the competition. “For...

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