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The Mentor

The Mentor

The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

Scholars Bowl steals state title from Olathe North, end of memorable season

Brianna Carmack, Entertainment Editor February 24, 2020

After qualifying for their sixth consecutive trip to State, Scholars Bowl traveled to Wichita North High School on Feb. 15.  “We didn’t quite meet the goal of Regional champion, placing third,...

Scholars Bowl team came second

Lasirra Hines, Junior Entertainment Editor December 17, 2019

The Manhattan High Scholars Bowl team went to Flint Hills Christian School to compete last Saturday, placing second overall, nearly going undefeated except for one loss to Flint Hills Christian School.  The...

Scholars Bowl undefeated with 9-0 record

Brianna Carmack, Entertainment Editor November 18, 2019

Making this their fourth meet for the season, Varsity Scholars Bowl went undefeated, making them place first last Tuesday in Chapman.  "We were pretty pumped when we heard we went undefeated,"...

Scholars Bowl begins season with three successful meets

Brianna Carmack, Entertainment Editor November 11, 2019

Scholars Bowl began their new season for the 2019-2020 school year last week by participating in a total of three meets Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. MHS ended up placing first in their latest meet,...

Scholars Bowl Takes Home State Award for Winning Championships

Brianna Carmack, Opinions Editor February 9, 2019

Scholars Bowl has shown great improvement throughout the year, which was evident in their performance at State. “I knew we had a very solid team going in giving us a very good chance to advance to...

Freshman Rachael Kovar, Luke Liu, Ronan Tanona, and sophomore Nicole Savage compete against Rock Creek High School at a home tournament Jan. 28.

Scholars Bowl places second in home meet

Brianna Carmack, Opinions Editor January 28, 2019

With a 6-1 record, Scholars Bowl took home the bragging rights of placing second in last night’s Junior Varsity meet hosted at home. MHS trailed first-placing Washburn Rural, and Topeka High rounded...

Recent Varsity tournament loss from overconfidence upsets Scholars Bowl

Brianna Carmack, Opinions Editor December 4, 2018

After a recent loss, Scholars Bowl is working hard on improvements for future competitions. “[It was] definitely one of the worst meets I’ve been to, still fun though,” junior Styopa Zharkov said. The...

Scholars Bowl comes out undefeated in their first meet

Brianna Carmack, Opinions Editor November 6, 2018

Junior Varsity Scholars Bowl kicked off the new season with an 11-0 win in their first meet last Thursday at Topeka High School. “We went 11-0 on the night and finished in first place,” Ted Dawdy,...

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