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The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

The Mentor

The student news site of Manhattan High School

The Mentor

Behind the dieting process

Hannah Heger, Trending Editor March 3, 2020

Health, digestive, personal and religious reasons lead people around the globe to find themselves in need of specialized diets. Many people decide to change their ways of eating to better themselves An...

Pescetarianism has bettered my life with amazing results

Brianna Carmack, Entertainment Editor March 3, 2020

The new year piqued my interest to join many others in setting goals that would benefit me to become a healthier and more confident version of myself. More specifically, I wanted to change up my diet in...

Students use healthy recipes

Kyla Barnett, Features Editor March 3, 2020

Junior Zach paquette-- gluten-free and keto Lemon garlic baked salmon and asparagus courtesy of serves 6 4-6 salmon fillets, skin removed 2 tbsp. minced garlic 2 tbsp. chopped...

Athletes perform with many diets

Kyla Barnett, Features Editor March 3, 2020

Athletes use many different diets, including calorie monitoring and using certain foods to affect their performance in and out of season.  For example, the Ketogenic diet is a high fat, low carbohydrate,...

Different diets explained

Julianna Poe, Sports Editor March 3, 2020

New diets are developed every day as more people want to lose weight faster or lead a healthier lifestyle. Here are just a few of the many different types of diets today.   The Blood Type...

MHS revisits fashion trends

Blue Neel, Junior Trending Editor December 19, 2019

Quite often, style comes to mind when one visualizes the decades. As we wrap up the decade, fashion is having a deja vu effect.  After once seeing teenagers in the ‘80s rock bright neon and loud...

Social media provides viewers a year in review

Aubrey Strother, Staff Writer December 19, 2019

As the year will be ending in less than a month, many people are looking back on their lives within the last year through their social medias.  Every year, YouTube does “YouTube Rewind,” where...

Beach Museum uses regional art, technology

Hannah Heger, Trending Editor November 25, 2019

  With its staple bright orange, blown glass Chihuly chandelier hanging from the ceiling, The Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art has been an important part of the local community, providing individual...

MAC provides opportunities for MHS students

Rachel Edie, Business Manager November 25, 2019

From its beginning with the conversion of three different arts groups back in the late 1990s, the Manhattan Arts Center has flourished as a company that welcomes all, including Manhattan High Students....

Student guide for breakfast nutrition

Hannah Heger, Trending Editor November 4, 2019

Waking up in the morning for school can be hard enough. Add in having to get up, make yourself presentable for school and leave the house on time, it's no surprise that students often is the most "important"...

The best pancake in Manhattan

Sophia Comas, Sports Editor November 4, 2019

To fully understand how one selects the best pancake, one must understand the selection process. The judging of each restaurant was determined by a rubric written by myself, print Editor-in-Chief Meredith...

Halloween Horrors

Rachel Edie, Business Manager October 28, 2019

As the Halloween season reaches its peak, people of all ages have started to turn towards haunted attractions in preparation for the big day. Everyone waits in line for a chance to get in on the fun and,...

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